🎉🌟January 2022 Monthly and Weekly Wisdom 🌟🎉

🌺OVERVIEW: Welcome to 2022 and to January 2022! Time for a fresh new start.  This year will more than likely not feel like it is starting full speed ahead. January has introverted energy that will create a “pause” effect.  

Just because we are in a new calendar year doesn’t mean you have to take off running.  As the Universe would have it, we are starting the year out slowly in reflection mode.  It’s about slowing down to speed up.  Take advantage of this softer and more gentle time.

What needs to be revisited, revised, redone?  Do you need to revisit your plan?  Do you need to slow down in order to commit to the plan an perfect your ability to stick and stay?

What visioning do you need to do regarding your goals for 2022?  How deeply can you engage your self-care practices?  What boundaries need honoring? 

🌺KEYWORDS: Money, Personal Finances, Plan, Patience, Delays, Hard work, Boundaries, Power over Negativity, Relax, Self-Care, Expansion, Focus on Relationships; Review, Revisit, Redo; Structure, Self-Care; Tune into and trust your Intuition; New beginnings